Dark Angels Belial Model finished

So after many weeks, and me having very low motivation to finish this guy, I finally set aside time to get him done.

There are parts I am not 100% satisfied with, but at this point I feel that if I spend any more time on him now he will just begin to rot away and become worse. So I will leave him as is, and update him in the future when I fell I have the ability to do so.

In the meantime, enjoy!

Oh and the before people ask.. the reason his socket is so large is quite simple. He is standing on a normal 40mm base that I then surrounded with others. And it is detachable from the socket! So if I ever get in a game in the future, I can remove him from the socket, and still use him for gaming! Win/Win!


  1. very nice :)

    I think the added color in the ground work of the base worked well.

    I like that you have his gun green, rather than the red so many use for Dark Angels..never liked the 'china red' combo'd with the green that's commonly used with Dark Angles.

    1. Yes, I added it into a few spots to give it some variation like you suggested. I think it helped to break it up a bit. Could do more I guess, but I sided with the less dangerous to mess it up method :)

      And yeah, I didn't like it being red. I wanted it to be dark as it should be, and even the red ropes and sword sheath was difficult to put through. Especially with the bright blue sword he is wielding.

    2. But for those red accent you've got a very deep shadowed crimson red. Often Dark Angels have the more orangish 'China Red' (I may be the only person that calls it that, but when I was in China this particular red is everywhere) china red can be nice, I just don't like it with Dark Angles green ;)

      GW have come up with some 'iconic color combos' that I just don't appreciate... the dark over-saturated yellow with Ultramarine blue is another of those combos.

      anyway, congrats- this guy looks good.

  2. Great idea with the socket, He looks superb to me but ourselves are always our worst critics.

    1. Thanks Simon, and yes we are.. or at least I am these days more so :)

  3. That is sensational, what a result!

    1. Cheers for that Michael! Much appreciated! Glad you like!

  4. Hola
    MAGNIFICO resultado si señor,me gusta en todo el conjunto.
    Como siempre dices y puedo comentarte te diré que la parte que veo mas floja es la capa,pero no que este mal si no que la veo no al nivel de otras partes de la figura y el terreno,que por cierto esta que te cagas.

    1. Hey JD
      Sí, las capas que se pueden ver un poco más, si se trata de los centros de mesa que es porque es separable. Así que puedo utilizar el modelo para el juego tanto como para la visualización :) Yo también quería que fuera un poco más difícil, y ver el corcho porque me gusta el rock como la formación de la misma. Todavía aprendiendo y aunque espero que las futuras serán mejores!

  5. I think he turned out looking good, but I know what you mean. There are those projects that are frustrating and sometimes you just have to say "enough" and call it done.

    That's a great idea for making him removable.

    1. Thanks Anne. And yes, I have been having this mentality on a few projects lately. But wanted to just "get it done" so to speak so that is what I have done for this one.

      Thanks for the kind comments as always!

  6. Great work Mr Lee , great paint i like the effect on sword

  7. Great model, great base. Green parts would look even better with more intense hightlights and shadows but there is always somethink that could be done better so dont worry;-) Love the atmosphere of the piece!


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