Mephiston finished!

And done.. ok well he got finished last night, but I was spending time with the little one playing Skylanders on the PS3 and lost track of time :)

I really like how he came out, and I liked going back and doing some oil washes on him to make him a bit shiny.

Armor was also coated with some of Tamiya clear Red to give it a shiny effect, and the power sword was done with the airbrush. Plasma was done with the Forged Monkey plasme blue pigments.. still working on how to use them well enough.. but I am getting there.

Anyways, let me know what you think.. now back to a very old commission.. lets see how it goes..

More photos below..


  1. Nice. He reminds me of Vlad at the beginning of the film. Must be the armour.

    1. Indeed.. I got a big vampire vibe from him as I painted him.. I think the chestplate came out nicely though!

  2. Nice job – and you did what I couldn't with the airbrush on the sword, excellent.

    1. Thanks Mike.. it was my first attempt at airbrushing a sword for it being a powersword.. am happy with the results in the end!

  3. Superb!!! Love the sword particularly.

  4. Nice figure; I like the flame effects too. Best, Dean


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