Making new paints newer?

Ok.. this is a strange topic for a post, but am hoping it has some more positive results for my painting progress.

About 2 weeks ago, Corvus' Miniatures put up an article concerning some new paints of his own. But really what it was about was moving the GW flip top paint into dropper bottles. Now this is something that is a personal preference to some painters while others prefer the flip top for ease of painting. Though I can't say that I am happy with them any more as I tend to thin my paints a bit while working with them, so working from the bottle comes out a bit too thick for me.

So when Corvus' put up this article and then showed his progress, I knew that I needed to follow suite! So after getting the supplier off him in the comments, and finding them on ebay. I ordered up 50 of their 15ml dropper bottles.

Now the dropper bottles were ordered from Thailand, and for some reason were re-routed through Germany before arriving to me in Turkey. It does state on the page that it can take up to 2-3 weeks or something, however it was barely a week before I received them. Only question I have though is that if it did not get to me, it was to be returned to Germany, but don't know what to think of that. But whatever, they arrived, and most likely I will order another 50 in time as I am considering to move the shades and glazes over also, but time will tell on that.

No photo of the bag of empty bottles, but you can see some of the shots of how I went about transferring the paints across. Again, taking inspiration from Corvus' here.

Upside down GW bottles, leaning up against the brush cleaner pots, and held there with blu tack.

The first half finished. And thankfully the labels come off the new bottles well enough so that I can re-stick them to the dropper bottles.

Some empties, and the to be transferred colors..

And the completed 36 bottles of paints, and old inks in dropper bottles.

What is left over from the transfer. These will now join the ranks of miniature holders, as soon as I get more blu tack to use with them.

So the whole process to move 36 colors ( 5 oop inks and 1 oop blood red in there ) took a majority of the evening last night. No painting occurred because of this. However I do hope that now with the droppers in hand, I can use more of the GW paints in the airbrush. Each bottle also received an agitator, and about 20-30 drops of Tamiya Paint thinner also. Some more than others depending on what kind of paint it was ( base or layer ).

Will do another post after using them a bit more and see how they work out. Either this was complete genius or I have just wasted 36 paints :) Only time will tell I guess..

Hope this was helpful and again the links below to everything:


  1. I am lucky enough that most of my paints are in droppers. I also thin my paints but I use old pop bottle tops to drop thepaint in and a syringe to add the water. No damage to brushes for the mixing and I am a happy camper


    1. I too use a lot of dropper paints ( Vallejo, background of some of the photos ) now, but there are the odd colors from GW that I am enjoying.

      Interesting on the syringe bit though.. never used that, but used the older damaged brushes for mixing at the moment.

  2. One of my favorite metallics is in a paint pot and I'm worried that it will thicken each time I open it. Transferring it sounds like a good idea.

    1. I actually moved the GW ledbelcher color over to the dropper cause it was drying out so badly in the flip top!

  3. Great idea.

    @Anne I add a spot of water and shake the pot before putting it back.

    1. Have to say the idea is not mine though. Got it from Corvus' Miniatures and just ran with it. Made so much sense.

  4. Looks good to me. A bit more effort than I'm inclined to go through myself, however. I haven't had too many issues with paint drying out just yet, but I've been using FOundry pains, which are flip tops, but of a better design than GW, I think.

    1. Agreed about foundry paints. Much better pots, and honestly some of the older pots from GWs were good. But the newer soft plastic ones are just crap. The "piece" holding the lid up, to the fact that paint dries in the groove keeping it from closing properly afterwards also.

  5. That's pretty cool. I also was thinking to refill my (very) old GW paints into dropper bottles. But I will just use them up, in the future I won't buy paint in flip tops anymore.

    Please keep posting these kind of articles. With your massive output of painted miniatures I suppose you have a lot of nifty tricks at your desposal :)

    1. Having picked up a few of the new GW colors, I have to say that they are quite good actually. Only downside is the flip top.

      Thanks for the compliment on the article. Will try to look at what I do and see what I can make into an article for painting faster then ;) Kind of like the opposite of other blogs showing how to paint better, I can show how to paint faster! :) Watch this space ;)

  6. Hola
    Muy buen dato,lo tendre en cuenta para las prosimas,yo es que estas ultimas utilice botes de tamiya reciclados.
    un saludo

    1. Gracias.
      Mis botellas vallejo parecen durar para siempre, mientras que el flip encabeza apenas pasado un mes! Ya veremos cómo estos goteros pasado, aunque, especialmente el. Pico que parece dividir cuando demasiada pintura seca se atascan en ellos en las botellas vallejo

  7. Interesting idea, not sure which is better the flip-top or the dropper bottle, they both drive me mad at times!!

    1. Heh.. was there, but am seeing the upside of droppers more with all the airbrush work I do. There are some good GW colors that I would like to use, but trying to get the right amount from a flip top is just insanely difficult. This should help speed that up at least.

  8. Looks like a nice collection of paints :) thanks a lot for the multiple links to my blog :D

    1. NP Corvus! Was funny when I was sitting by MaGie in the workshop this weekend, she commented that she had a friend that had switched their paints over. Had stated I learned it from you, and she then was surprised as she was also talking about you! Small world apparently!


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