Chaos Dark Apostle + WIPs

Well hiddy ho neighbours, and welcome to another blog post by Mr Lee.. and yes this is the same greeting from Tim's neighbour over the fence in the old sitcom Home Improvement. Don't know it? Check youtube, am sure it can be found there.

Anyway... what do I have to share today...

First up is the Dark Apostle Failcast model from GW... to be given to Zzzzzz of Devos IV fame. To go with his soon to be created Khaos Skwod. Mostly because I had the chance to pick it up while in Germany, and I was wondering how bad Failcast is, and also cause I really wanted to paint it but will never use it in my own Chaos armies.

I went with a Word Bearer color scheme for it. But a bit bright in some of the red areas in the photos, but in reality it is a bit darker though. I did as much as I could for writings on the scrolls, and also tried a new color scheme for them as well compared to my the Priests. More VMC Pale Sand was used than browns like normal.

Overall I liked the painting of it, and did it in 3 parts. Main body with arms and legs attached. Chest with 2 major scrolls. And backpack with all the rest of the scrolls. This allowed me to get to everything throughout this model.

I know there is a major mold line on his head though. But this failcast resin material is soooo soft. I tried to do some cleaning up on it and almost took out the left side of his head. So I left it, and will call it part of the model now. As in he has had some surgery, and that is the scar left over ;)

As far as the materials go though, it is not hard enough to be called resin. It is more like the soft plastic that toys from China would be made out of. And something that could be given to small children after being painted with toxic paints, you know the ones safe for children 3+.. Was not impressed with it, and the large golden halo piece on the model ( which I see I assembled wrong :( ) is soo flexible it is not even funny. Really disappointed with that.

Oh well, this was my first experience with Failcast, and I have more in the horizon with the Space Wolves. Should be interesting to see how that goes.

In the meantime however, here is what is on the bench currently.

Yup, you see it right. 3 Dark Elf Pegasi, 2 riders ( the third will be the naked kneeling dark elf who is still my highest viewed post! ), 12 screamers ( the 3 painted will be repainted in a scheme I found on another forum ), and 20 Khaos Cultists of Prawns! Yes, you read that correctly.. I am going to attempt to put prawn markings on them all.. that should be "interesting".. and the story will be given as to why later on.. :)

Why this bunch though? Well the Pegasi are to be done for an up-coming tournament for a good buddy of mine, and the screamers might join said tournament as well. It is not a Tusot tournament, so there is hope that fun will be had within it, so they have priority at the moment. The cultists are a test of the new Dark Vengeance starter set models to see how well they paint up, and because they look bad ass!

Space wolves are benched for the moment as I look for motivation to paint them, but also to wait for some colors to appear that are required to paint them. Am hopeful that Maelstrom will send them still ( was ordered before the site went down ) but if not, then my next trip to UK will include a quick shopping venture to pick them up.

Cheers for now


  1. Nice work, I am not going to put that symbol on the backpack for mine...I hate that part, I was glad to see that as a separate component.

    1. Thanks, and yeah I hear that point. But figured I would put it as it should be, and worst case, if I get another one, remove it for that one.. It just feels cheap though.. which is sad!

  2. Looking good. I've not delved in to finecast yet. I'm still put off at the price and the quality of the product to be honest. Much prefer metal's heft and plastics price.

    1. I am with you Brummie.. this was my first dip into the failcast pool, and can't say that I am very happy with it. Though some tips and tricks I be looking for, and hopefully can share them in the future if they turn out to be good!

  3. That is one tripped out figure. Nicely done!

  4. Wow, what a figure - great work Mr Lee.

    1. Thanks Michael.. had some interesting aspects to work on here. Am happy with the results.

  5. Hey Mr. Lee...

    Schlimmcast is a big probblem. Miniatures with thin parts are a pain in...
    After preparing I can only advise to lay an thin layer of milliput-milk on them. It will be a LITTLE harder and easier to paint.

    I think derwish has shown how to use ist...

    By the way... why dont you post this on Bemalforum? There will be given some more advises too...

    I like the writing on the banners and the structure of the staff. But on the other parts I wuold like more shadows and highlights.

    Greetings, Taggi

    1. Hey Taggi..
      Agreed about the milliput bit. Stephan did explain it, but I have none ( it's on order from Germany now! ).
      Didn't post to Bemalforum due to it not being a high level paint job, but more a above table top paint job. Was only 5 hrs of work on it, but I have another that I will post up that way. Keep an eye out for it.


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