MOAR Dwarf bust... 90% and growing...

Yah yah.. more of the same... but honest there is actual progress that you can see this time!!!!

Look.. see.. he has an axe now! It is really coming together now! Woo hoo!!!!

Been working on this model for over a month now, and am finally getting to a point where I am really happy with the overall look and feel for it. Which is good since I have only 2 more weeks until I take it to Izmir and deliver it to my good friend BuRock!

Though this past weekend has been crazy busy with some pre-moving packing prep, I still had the chance to sit down a bit and finish it off. very happy with that!

Though the first hurdle was getting the axe head to stay on the model! For some reason it just was not sticking, even with both super glue and accelerator! After some more rejigging, and some putty, and more super glue and accelerator.. it is finally stuck on. Thought the connection point is not the greatest, and it is a bit shiny still.. so will have to correct that soon!


Painting this up was interesting. It has some really nice details, cracks, etc on it, but I was not fully sure on how I would tackle it.

I started with some wet/wet styling to get the main sketch done up. Using the main color from the Black set from Andrea, but using their first shadow as a base. Then working down to the other 2 shadows. Adding some Deep Sea Blue here and there. Highlights were with the base + Medium Sea Grey from Vallejo Model range.

Though I was having a difficulty to get the edging to really work for me, that and I was getting bored trying to highlight all the edges to begin with. So I went old school and just drybrushed it. Yup, you heard me.. I dryrbushed it. Took a bigger brush, loaded it with paint, dried it off, and did a big sweeping motion over the stonework to hit the edges. Then I tackled a few o them with the smaller brush to clean it up a bit.

Aside from the extreme close ups of the stonework showing some of the drybrush work, I think that it really works. Especially when I began to do some thin washes of green and grey and black to the shadows once more.

It can use some more work of course, but will see how it looks once I begin to touch up and finish the metal sections, and touch up the wood parts a bit more. Especially closest to the rope area.

Have to say I would think that this is about 90% finished for me at this point.. Small little bits left to tidy up, and then transferring it to the socket that I have set aside for it. Will see how far I get on this next week when I am back in Istanbul and have a chance to work on it. Until then though... enjoy the week as I look for a residence in UK!!! Enjoy!


  1. Replies
    1. Almost there.. not quite as fast or as good as your pieces.. but working my way up to it!

  2. Hola
    Magnifico si señor estas haciendo un gran trabajo,el efecto del hacha tipo piedra me gusta,pero a titulo personal claro el metal ese que le estas dando a las partes del hacha no me gusta....pero bueno ya veremos como queda y a lo mejor me tengo que comer mis palabras jajaja.
    Sabes me e dado cuenta que me pasa otra vez que cuando pongo entradas en my blog no salen o tardan en ponerse en los blog de los compañeros....que mierda
    y tranquilo con la mudanza jajaja a un que ya tienes experiencia...jajaja

    1. JD Gracias como siempre
      No estoy seguro de los metales aquí todavía bien, pero para evitar que se vuelva demasiado llamativo, quiero que sea sencillo y discreto. Lo guardaré como los de la parte delantera. Pero tal vez un pero más atenuado.
      Cómo llegar a las últimas piezas de este tipo, y sólo tengo una semana dejó de pintar antes de dar a la basura! La presión del tiempo!!
      Sigue mirando, y en movimiento la experiencia de hecho. Esperemos que todo mi trabajo esta semana para avanzar pasa con facilidad y sin problemas!

  3. Mr. Lee Now that is something amazing. You are Improving so fast. Keep it up man!

    1. Thanks mate.. that means a lot coming from you! Always like your work and what you and your team have been doing lately! Keep it up!

  4. The work on that axe head is sensational!

    1. Thanks Michael.. I was not fully sure of it, but am glad that it is getting some praise!

  5. I am still convinced that this is a suitable title: "You will not make jokes about the Axe of my Daddyyyyyyyyy!" *smile*

    This is a great one!

    1. This very much could become the title of it indeed.. will hold out though and see if anything better comes up in the meantime!

  6. Wohoooo. This gets better and better!

    1. Thanks mate... slowly but surely... we get there in the end!

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks Zab.. am trying to put as much heart and soul into it as you are into your Chibi diorama! Hope it is showing!

  8. Even at this stage it already looks super awesome. ^_^

    1. Then I just need to add some more BAM effects to finish it off! Thanks for this compliment!

  9. "Thumbs up" very big masterpiece. This is a project you are happy when it's done and every painter remeber you when they see a similar figure.
    absolutlly great fellar.

    1. Micha... this is a great compliment, and one that I truly hope to live up to! Would love to be known for such a piece, and hopefully for many more in the future! I know I now have quite a few awesome sockets to put to good use once I am in the UK! Thanks again for the support!


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