5th Dimension, Gobbo Community Project.. and my involvement!

Hey all! So this is a really strange twist to the norm for me. I have been asked by the gents over at 5th Dimension to join their merry band of painters in a community painting project! Again another first for me!

After meeting up with Siggi in Koln for GD Germany ( see that event really opened doors for me! ), it seems my painting style and natural charm won him over. He and fellow cohort Dellolyn approached me via mail to see if I would be interested in joining their project!

And of course I said yes! Why not! Get to put my stamp of work into the works of other great artists for a massive painting project to be shown off at future events in Germany? Again.. why not!

But who are the other artists? See below!

Micha aka Dellolyn
Siggi aka Barfran
Harald aka Moses
Simon aka Katan
Markus aka Malakith
Arne aka Sleipner
Fabi aka The Count
Pascal from Spielbar Trier ( The donor of the gobbos! )
C-Tan from Fantasygames.com.pl
Melanie aka Serafin
Julius aka The Artfist
Fabrizio aka Schiraga
Vlado aka Big Panda
Manuel aka Crazy Wenky
Georg aka GeOrc
Luke aka Bloodmaster
Daniel aka Solmar
Daniel aka Nathelis
Markus aka Shejtan
And little ol' me! Kyle aka Mr. Lee!

What is really cool is that I have either met a lot of these people in person, chat with them on a regular basis or admire there work already. So to be in a project with them is just something else!

And I received the package from the organizer of delivery, Micha, just this week! Actually, I got the email from my work security that it was ready for pick up as I was talking to him over gtalk!

But why the sockets? Well Micha also sent out everyone a socket as a way of saying thanks for helping on this project. 

Ok.. so why did I receive 6 sockets? This one I had to ask Micha as well.. and his answer was pretty simple. 

He likes my painting, but hates the sockets that I use! So this is a way of introducing me to other styles and to use "proper" sockets. I had a good laugh over that comment, but am equally wow'd by the quality of these pieces and his generosity! I know a lot of models in my collection that will find good homes on these pieces in the near future! Expect more about that soon!

So I have written a lot, but haven't talked too much about the actual project itself.. but that part is quite simple, which makes it quite brilliant.. 

Everyone received a single Night Goblin with the different pieces for armament ( Bow, Spear, Sword, shield ). And a 20mm base. Goal now is to build it up, paint it, and send it back. Where Micha/Siggi will work their magic to make 20 completely different styled of Gobbos, fit onto a massive socket!

The only restriction that we have is that the gobbo's base cannot overlap the base more than a full 50x50mm in size. So if we want to put a massive fallen tree on the base, making the gobbo stand on top.. awesome! Just have to ensure that it fits within a 50x50mm space. 

Have to say that I am pretty stoked about this, and looking forward to seeing some of the others put their works together here. You can follow their works from their blogs also in the list below.. 
Check them out for their updates and progress on this community project. 

Really cannot wait to start on this project.. but it will be one that I need to start over in UK. When I am all set up and ready for proper projects once more!

Next week I will be in UK looking for a place of residence. Yes this moving thing of Mr Lee is underway! Expect some updates on that process in the near future, but for now enjoy the weekend!


  1. Ha hah a ha ha. When it all gets too much (house hunting) give me a call. I may be Manchester, but there's a chance I could be dahn sarf.

    Good luck anyway !

  2. Hola
    Grandes peanas me gustan
    un saludo

  3. We are glad that you are a part of our project :-)

    And everybody who wants join our project too look here http://5-th-dimension.blogspot.de/2013/10/different-styles-different-colors-one_28.html

    Looking forward to see your first WIPs
    best regards,Dellolyn

  4. Oh yes Kyle, it was your "natural charming", Hehe! :D Thanks for joining our project and enjoy the painting with the small dude. Where are you going in the UK?


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