Competitions and painting...

Ok.. so last year I spent a lot of time upping my game for painting and modelling.

This year, I am trying to not just do better, but also see if I can get into a couple of competitions with my pieces!

So this piece that I started over in Berlin will be entered into the Brushbrothers basing competition. But I will look into also adding it into the dieVincis contest as well potentially... depending if I can get the model(s) for it finished in time. Though I think I will get The Thing finished in time for it and be able to enter it at least.

So what will go on this base then? Well... I think it has a good scene for Bilbo vs Gollum actually! Though I do wish this was my idea though but it was suggested to me from a good buddy of mine The Count!

As you can see the models are really tiny, so will fit nicely within this socket.

I just need to pick up a few more things though before I can really finish this socket though.

In the meantime I guess I need to start getting some paint on these little guys as well!

Aside from this there is also a lot of other competitions to come in the future as well, but I will leave all that for another post ;) Because there are a few surprises that I have planned for them!



  1. Great looking diorama base. Looking forward to seeing the mini's painted up and put on it!

    1. Me too! Though I was playing around with how to put them into the base, but that front twig is making a right mess of things to place them inside! Will be interesting to see how I manage though in the end! Looking forward to painting it though!

  2. That's so funny. I am actually swearing off competitions this year because I kept getting side tracked from my projects by them last year. Ironically they seem to be popping up with shocking frequency this year -_- Oh well, back to fun painting and if i happen to enter a comp or two so much the better but this year is just about having fun and growing without too many self imposed challenges :) I'll live vicariously through you!

    1. Heh.. yeah.. I head you on that, but that is why I will cut back on Commissions this year so that I can work on projects that are fun for me, and then try to aim them closer to competition guidelines :) So I can work towards some progression in that manner there :)

      And live vicariously though me huh? Oooo fancy! Well keep an eye peeled for upcoming posts about how this year will turn out then ;)

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks LOL. Let's see if I can keep it up then eh?

  4. The base is simply stunning! Wonderful work indeed.


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