Painting Updates April 12, 2011
Started off with painting up a new Infinity model for my Nomads. The dreaded Intruder with Heavy Machine Gun. The color scheme I am going with for this faction is simple enough. Primarily red jumpsuits, with the odd brown section to represent some change in the unit from the basic line trooper. Black guns, boots, gloves, and an off grey helmet. I tried for some glowing sections, but they didn't turn out as nicely as I would have liked.
I then worked on the trolls some more. I am struggling a bit to make them not as plastic looking, but I am hoping that a few more layers of paint will alleviate that concern.
The transistion between belly and skin will still be worked a bit more, and they will be abit brighter when finished, while the skin will get darker still. I also had a chat with my mate whom I am painting this for, and he likes the direction I am going so far, but again wants the above points put into action. So darker skin, and lighter bellies coming up.
So last up is the Hellcat with Heavy Machine Gun that I got finished in an hour last night. Again cause the color scheme is so simple, the painting takes almost no time at all. Airbrush helps in this also though of course.
Change here is that I did white boots to give the unit type a difference from the rest. This is also to make it easier for me to know it is on the table. I tend to miss these kind of models/units that can come onto the table later in the game.
Hopefully tonight/this week I can finalize the Trolls and begin work on the Orc Heros afterwards.
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